Digital Therapeutics: A Ray of Sunshine in Women's Health Management
Gender difference plays a major role in mental health and mental illness nowadays:
12 million women in USA experience mental health-related condition every year
1 in 3 considered downshifting their career or leaving workforce (as compared to 1 in 4 before pandemic)
40% have considered leaving or switching their companies
Curio's digital therapeutics is a new approach to effectively manage women's health throughout their entire lifecycle.
Women’s Behavioral Health Is A Huge Unmet Need with An Enormous TAM
Why Maternal Mental health Matters?
According to Dr. Jerry Guintivano from University of North Carolina, postpartum depression (PPD) is one of the most frequent complications of childbirth affecting approximately 500,000 women annually (prevalence 10 – 15%). Meanwhile 75% of individuals who screen at-risk for postpartum depression receive no treament at all.
The cost of not treatng maternal mental health conditions is $32,000 per mother-infant pair, totaling $14.2 billion nationally; suiside and overdose In a recent Maternal Mortality Review Committees (MMRCs) report, Mental health conditions were identified as a leading underlying cause of death, accounting for nearly 9 percent of such deaths.
Despite Enough Evidence, Right Tools Are Lacking
There is ample evidence that focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is effective at treating mental health conditions. However, traditional methods of CBT (1 on 1 or group therapy) are neither scalable nor affordable for the broader population.
Treatment plans to treat women’s mental with CBT are not standardized and different health professionals have different levels of success with their patients. Patients must commit to 8- 10 CBT sessions with their healthcare professional, while Psychotherapists charge upwards of ~ $250/hour and not all patients have insurance that covers treatment.
Fortunately, Postpartum Depression Is Treatable If Managed Timely
Shailja Dixit, MD, MS, MPH, also the CEO of Curio Digital Therapeutics, is leading her team to create an end-to-end system, which includes products across the continuum of care for post-partum depression (PPD) that is impacting 520,000 each year in the United States. These products cover PPD identification to PPD management, and beyond that, PPD prevention. The program helps women through the challenging time following delivery.
Curio provides behavioral support for women who are during pregnancy, specifically, post-partum depression, and during fertility/infertility journey. Based on the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy, Curio has invented an app-based approach for women to have a personalized and flexible mental medication experience with modular learning functions.
Its clinical data showed that 2 out of 3 participants have got improvement through their digital self-learning program, and 90% of them have got clinical health improvement. Currently, their “MamaLift” product has self-registered with FDA, and their “MamaLift Plus” product is on the way to get approved by the FDA as a Class II medical device.
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